
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 03:48:43
“脚癣 注意事项”
“脚癣 保养”

“如何根治脚癣” How to effect a radical cure/treatment on athlete's foot? 【注:这里的介词应该用on而不是for】
“脚癣 注意事项” Instructions of athlete'foot 【注:instructions比较医学、书面化】
“治疗脚癣的偏方” The folk prescription for curing athlete's foot
“治疗脚癣的方法” The methods of curing athlete's foot
“脚癣的症状” The symptoms of athlete's foot
“脚癣 保养” Taking good care of athlete's foot 【注:在这里必须注意maitain是对机器道路的保养;upkeep是对房子生活的维持保养;只有Taking good care of才是对人、病的保养】
“脚癣传染么” Is athlete's foot infective? 【注:infect是动词,后面不带宾语的话是为语病,这句中文其实意思是脚癣会传染吗?所以应该用infective】

how to completely cure athlete's foot

“脚癣 注意事项”
the notice item of athlete's foot

the folk precscription of curing athlete's foot

the method of curing athlete's foot

the symptom of athlete's foot

“脚癣 保养”
maintain of athlete's foot

does athlet