
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 12:20:52
六西格玛(Six Sigma)在20世纪90年代中期被通用电气公司(GE)成功地从一种质量管理方法演变成为高度有效的企业流程设计、改造和优化的方法体系,继而成为世界上众多追求管理卓越性的跨国企业最重要的战略举措和管理哲学。而可靠性工程作为企业实施精益六西格玛目标的务实的基础工程技术,把提升产品可靠性水平、强化可靠性管理能力作为目标。六西格玛需要通过可靠性工程方法进行有效的固化,大量的可靠性工程方法也需要整合到六西格玛设计和改进中来,使其转化成企业工程应用中的核心竞争力。

Six Sigma (Six Sigma) in the mid-20th century, 90 were General Electric (GE) from the success of a quality management into a highly effective business process design and optimization of the transformation of the system and methods, then the world's pursuit of the many management Excellence of the multinational corporations of the most important strategic initiatives and management philosophy.The reliability of the project as a corporate goal of the Lean Six Sigma implementation of the pragmatic basis of engineering and technology to raise the level of product reliability, enhanced reliability as a management goal. Six Sigma through reliability engineering methods for effective curing, a large number of reliability engineering methods need to be integrated into the design and improvement in Six Sigma to make it into a business application projects in the core competitiveness.