
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 13:23:35
天目湖(Tianmu Lake)是祖国大地上一块正在雕琢的瑰宝。天目湖位于苏,浙,皖三省交界处的江南历史名城溧阳市境内,沪宁高速,宁杭高速,锡宜高速(我补充一下,锡宜高速是无锡到宜兴)直通天目湖。
据说,从空中看,天目湖和大溪水库(Daxi Reservoir)就像是鱼的两个眼睛,所以叫做天目湖。进入景区有回归大自然的感觉,天目湖群山环抱,湖水清冽,间有画若棋盘的田涛疏密错落的茶园,到处是一幅幅纯自然的田园风光图。古树名木,奇花异草,姿态万千,色彩缤纷,野生动物栖息繁衍。


Tianmu Lake is a piece of previous land in mother land.It lies in the junction of Jiangsu,Zhejiang and Anhui Province.Some high ways can straightly lead to Tianmu Lake,such as Huning,Ninghang and Xiyi high road.
It is said that,from the sky,Tianmu Lake and Daxi Reservior look like the two eyes of a fish.So it is called Tianmu Lake.When entering the Reservior,you will have a feeling of being back to nature,as the Lake is surrounded by several moutains and the water is so clear and cool with many tea gardens located everywhere which seem to be a chees net.
The whole scenery looks like a beautiful farm landscape.There are old and famous trees,beautiful but strange flowers.The world is colorful and enjoyable with many wild animals habitating in the heaven.


Lake of the motherland is a piece of land is cut and polish gems. Lake is located in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui provinces at the junction of the southern historic city of Liyang City, the Shanghai-Nan