how to be a good president

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 05:31:13
1)undertake great enterprise and set a splendid example for his people.
2)do anything specical affecting the state.
3)show oneself an admirer of talent.
4)encourage his citizens to ply their callings in peace.
5)give the impression od being a great man and of possessing excellent insights.
and so on

1 )从事的伟大事业,并成立灿烂的例子为他的人民。
2 )专用做任何事情影响状态。
3 )表明自己的崇拜者人才。
4 )鼓励其公民从事其在和平调用。
5 )给人的印象是一个神伟大的人,拥有出色的见解。