
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 19:51:39
The fourth said“If I was wanted to work,I loof first for one hour,raise the energy.Then ask leisurely whether there is a helper.If others help to do.Let him do the main work,Ionly look in side.But this work was to much.

The fifth said“That’s nothing!If I was wanted to clean the manure from the horse stalde and install the horse-drawn vehicle,I will lift the fork and rest for a quarter,then do the cleaning work.Even if I installed one vehicle.I think it’s erough.


The fourth said“If I was wanted to work,
I loof first for one hour,raise the energy.
我先转一小时的舵,然后发动机器.Then ask leisurely whether there is a helper.
然后再从容的问否有人帮忙.If others help to do.
如果有,Let him do the main work,就让他做主要的工作.
Ionly look in side.But this work was to much. 我只在边上看,但这工作太多了.

The fifth said“That’s nothing!
第五个说,那有什么!If I was wanted to clean the manure from the horse stalde and install the horse-drawn vehicle,如果我想去清洁马棚里的粪,然后再装上马车.I will lift the fork and rest for a quarter,
我会举起叉子,休息一刻钟,then do the cleaning work.然后再做清洁.Even if I installed one vehicle.即使是装一辆车,I think it’s erough.我认为很枯燥

第四说: “如果我是想工作,我第一次卢夫勒一小时,提高悠闲energy.Then问是否有其他helper.If帮助do.Let他做的主要工作, Ionly看看side.But这项工作是很大。

第五说: “这是什么!如果我是想清理粪便从马