
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 19:29:32
1.What number should replace the question mark? 26,34,41,46,56,?
2.What belongs only to your and yet is used more by others than yourself?
3.Which is the odd one out?( ) a.water b.sunlight c.electricity d.air
4.What is that you should keep after gibing it to somebody else?
5.What do most gardeners not like to grow?
6.How many sweets can you put into an empty bag?
7.What time is it when 20 dogs are after 1 cat?
8.We often see some Enlish letters on envelopes.P.P.means_________. a.请勿折叠 b.航空邮寄 c.邮政编码
9.The naber of my brothers is the same as that of my sisters.But to my one brother,his sisters are twice as brothers.Then how many children are there in my family?__________.
10.Put ten red balls,ten yellow balls and ten bule balls in one bag together.If we take 13 balls one time,how meny balls of the same colour are there at least?___________
11.President Bush is A__________.
12.Tian Ya Jiao is in ________________provin


1.58 将包括答案在内的数字编号为A、B、C、D、E、F,它们的规律是A+B+15=B+C;B+C+12=C+D;C+D+15=D+E;D+E+12=E+F.

2.Your name.即你的名字。

3.C 其余的都是自然能源。


5.Grass 即草。题目问花园里面最不想长什么出来。

6.A bag of sweets 即一包糖.题目问一个空包里面能放多少糖,当然是一包了。


8.D P.P即是Postage Paid ,邮资已付的意思。

9.Seven 七个。

10.Five 5个。这原本是一道可以用概率论来回答的问题,但是我想到了一个简单的方法解答。13个球如果平均分配,每种颜色的球应该是4个4个4个,然后还多出一个。加上这一个的话,对任意一种颜色来说,最少应该是5个。(另外你又打错字啦!!是“many”不是“meny”啊!)

11.Man 男人吧。我实在是不大明白这个题目。是脑筋急转弯吗?我想男人是个很通用的解答。

12.Hai Nan province 海南省。应该是问天涯海角吧???<