
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 20:30:43
有以下这些词组“ 针对优化组合”, “主谈人”,“义不容辞地”,
“口误”,“忍气吞声地”,“舌战群雄”,“发挥”, “陷入僵局”

"Optimized for", "chief negotiator" and "duty-bound to"
"Slip of the tongue" and "to submit to humiliation" and "warlords of words" and "play" and "deadlock"
"Unable to nod", "echoing the words" and "the weight of words" and "relaxed atmosphere"
"On the main people the power of speech," "relaxed atmosphere"

1“For optimization ”2“On the main people”3“Duty-bound to”4“Slip of the tongue”5“To submit to humiliation”6“Warlords of words”7“Play”8“Deadlock”9“Unable to nod”10“The words echo”11“The weight of words”12“An atmosphere of relaxation”13“On the main people the power of speech”14“An atmosphere of relaxation”

“ 针对优化组合”:"Aimed at optimizing"
“义不容辞地”:"Incumbent upon"
“舌战群雄”,:"Slip of the tongue"
"Swallow the insult