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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 17:54:50

Classroom Teaching fair
Classroom teaching fair is a teacher in the classroom teaching activities in respect of non-discriminatory treatment of each student, to the family background, level of intelligence, different levels of education to students of equal treatment and full respect for every student to enjoy equal right to education and development Opportunities, and in accordance with the characteristics of each student's personality development suited to their use of teaching methods, students distinguish the difference between the treatment of this distinction is based on "equal consideration", namely on the basis of equality in different ways to treat Different objects; at the same time, the equal or unequal treatment of equal relevance of the subject (students), with equality of objects. Full and fair consideration should be given to teaching students of all aspects of the personality of each student should meet the different needs of development, should b