汉文 翻译英文! 英文高手进!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 23:48:34
想你是充实的,是幸福的,是酸酸的,是甜甜的,就算是吵架想起来也是美好的,就是那种撕心裂肺, 抓心挠肝,的痛也是那么的美好,那么的真实!

帮我翻译成英文谢谢! 女朋友过生日的甜言蜜语! 让各位见笑了!

whenever I think of you, my life turns to be so substantial, it's a complicated feeling something like happiness, sorrow and sweet. Even quarrel in my deep mind is also a very nice thing, whatever it has deeply hearted or pained me, it was still beautiful and real to me.

it is my happiness to miss you. sometimes it is bitter and sometimes it is sweet. to me, it is also happy to have a quarrel with you. the torture and agony also make life beautiful and true.

It is fulfilling, happy, sweet and sour to think about you, even fighting with you is such an enjoyment for me- even the heartbreaking, breathtaking pain is still so wonderfully beautiful, so real.

我没用撕心裂肺, 抓心挠肝 以英语来说 我使用了 "HEARTBREAKING = 心碎的" " BREATHTAKING = 呼吸停止般" 的痛 来形容你的心情

miss you is fufillness, is happiness, is sour, is sweet. Though we got fight, it is beautiful. Though it hurts, it pains, it is still pretty and true to me.

It is substantial, happy, sour and swe