chinese character stroke names (笔画的名字)

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 23:19:27
一 = 横(horizontal stroke)
丨 = 竖(vertical stroke)
丶 = ?
丿 = 撇 (left-falling stroke)
乀 = ?
乁 = ?
乙 = ?
乚 = ?
乛 = ?
亅 = ?

Is ’口’ ’丨’+’乁 ’+’一’?

一 = 横 slide right
丨 = 竖Pull down straight
丶 = slant down right
丿 = 撇 pull down straight and curve left
乀 = slant up right,slant down right
乁 = slide right and slant down right
乙 = slide right,slant down left,slide right,lift.
乚 =pull down straight,slide right, lift.
乛 = slide right,slant teeny tiny right
亅 = pull down straight,lift to left

Is ’口’pull down straight,go back to where you begin, slide right,pull down straight and slide to left.
’丨’pull down straight
+’slide right,pulldown straight in the middle