
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 11:20:56
CNN unveils genocide documentary. News network CNN International has commissioned a two-hour documentary telling the stories of people who tried to call attention to acts of genocide around the world. In CNN Presents: Scream Bloody Murder chief international correspondent Christiane Amanpour reports on acts of genocide and those who tried to get the rest of the world to prevent them. The doc includes the stories of Father Francois Ponchaud, who tried to draw attention to the Khmer Rouge's mass executions in Cambodia, and United Nations peacekeeper Romeo Dallaire, who warned of impending disaster in Rwanda. Scream Bloody Murder is set to premiere on December 5th.


CNN揭露种族灭绝记实。国际新闻网CNN接受了一份两个小时的纪录片的制作,讲述那些想要引起世界对灭绝种族行为注意的人们的故事。CNN巨献:纪录片《Scream Bloody Murder 》首席国际通讯员 Christiane Amanpour 对灭绝种族行为和呼吁全世界人民起来反抗这一行为的事做出报道。这个记录片包含了蓬绍德神父---一个试图唤起大家对柬埔寨共产党在柬埔寨的大规模处决行为注意的人的故事,还有联合国和平卫士Romeo Dallaire---一个警告大家注意在卢旺达即将到来的灾难的人的故事。《Scream Bloody Murder 》将在十二月五号上映。