
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/12 18:38:40
1 尽可能多的在课堂上用英语与同学老师交流,充分利用身边的英语媒体资源多听多读多写,可以尝试结交英文笔友或与家人、朋友用英语做简单交流

2 首先,对于所学过的知识进行记录可以帮助学生在复习的过程中巩固所学知识、弥补学习过程中的漏洞

1 as much as possible in the classroom with students in English teacher exchanges, make full use of resources around the English media to listen to more and more time to write, you can try to make English pen pal or with their families and friends to do simple communication in English
2 First, the learned knowledge can be recorded to help students review in the process of consolidating the knowledge, to make up for the flaws in the process of learning
Secondly, can help students learn in the next direction in planning and learning focus

Communicating with teachers and classmates in english in class as much as possible. Making full use of the entire media resource around you to practise your listening, speaking and writing. And you also can try to making some english mail friends or chatting with your faminies and friends in english.

1 as much as possible in the classroom with students in English teacher exchanges, make full use of resources around the English