
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 07:20:38

There may have been a day when foundries could spend money freely and didn’t need to closely watch their costs, but if such a day ever existed, it is surely past. Before money is spent on anything it needs to be clearly value-added. This fact drives the need to be able to measure improvement in terms of cost. The cost of quality and reducing the cost of poor quality are topics of interest to foundrymen today.

Mold life remains the major cost factor in PM casting (Lerner, 1998). Surprisingly, an intuitive and subjective approach has been historically taken to actually measure mold life. A recent literature search revealed little if any quantitative approach described to measure mold tooling life via the AFS library database. Many papers have been written discussing proposed methods to lengthen tool life (such as Lerner, 2000), and efforts have been made to calculate theoretical mold life on the basis of thermal fatigue failure principles (Nyameke, We

有可能是一个工厂一天可以花钱自由,并不需要密切关注他们的成本,但如果这样的日子永远存在的,肯定是过去。在金钱面前都花在什么它必须明确增值。这一事实驱动器必须能够衡量的改善方面的费用。成本质量和降低成本的质量差是感兴趣的议题foundrymen今天。模具寿命仍然是主要的成本因素在下午铸造( Lerner , 1998年) 。令人惊讶的是,一个直观的和主观的做法历来采取实际措施模具寿命。最近的一个文献检索发现小如有定量描述方法来衡量模具寿命战地服务团通过图书馆的数据库。许多文件已书面提出讨论的方法,以延长刀具寿命(如勒纳, 2000年)并已作出努力来计算的理论模具寿命的基础上,热疲劳失效原则( Nyameke ,尉健行和马丁内斯, 1997年; Nyamekye ,尉健行, 1998年)但没有治疗业务的实际测量的生活。这是一个令人不安的局势从务实的角度去考虑。我们怎么能知道我们的模具寿命提高?我们如何能够比较的模具供应商,另一如果我们没有可靠的方法确定因素的兴趣?这是极为重要的晶圆代工下午知道(在合理的限度内)什么工具寿命他们现在。图1提供了一个简要的关键原因永久模铸造行动应该知道(并且能够衡量)的模具寿命。从质量体系的角度来看,它已要求所有沿着这汽车行业的供应商衡量和管理刀具寿命(如准同步- 9000 : 1998年,第4.2.6.2 ,的ISO / TS 16949:2002节7.5.1.5 ) 。模具无疑是最明显和最重要的方面,这部分的管理系统。