华硕笔记本 雨林木风系统盘重装系统 重启后一会就出现蓝屏 错误如下

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 19:27:44
A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down shut down to prevent dameage to your computer

the vedio driver failed to initialize

If this is the first time to you have seen this stop error screen
restart your computer If this screen appears again follow these steps:
check to make sure any new hardware or software is properly installed If this is a new installtion ask your hardware or software manufalturer for any windows up dates you might need
If problem coutinue disabie or remov any newly istalled hardware of software disabie BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing Ifyo need to usesafe mode to remove or disabie components restart your computer press F8 to select advenceed start up options and then select safe mode
technical information



显卡驱动不兼容,不知道你用的是哪个版本,最新版本是xp sp3 9.8

说你的显卡驱动有问题 再装下驱动
估计这个系统有问题 换个系统试试
