
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 08:10:44
我是明天考雅思口语用的 可能会遇到有关法律方面问题


1:The largest , most important family is the so-called civil-law family.
2: Civil-law systems are , generally speaking , “codified”systems:the basic law is set out in code.
3: Another influential civil code was Germany’s ,which dates from the late nineteenth century .
4: Judicial review was officially recognized in 1803 by the decision of the
United States Supreme Court in Marbury v.Madison .(P36)
5: Ripeness and mootness issues are related to standing and might be understood simply as standing in a time frame .(P39)
6: This means two things:the Court could ignore ripeness in a given case if it wants to get to the merits and Congress could remove ripeness as a barrier to review if it chose , by providing for review .
7: Mootness issues arise when the redressable harm is over and the case
therefore no longer presente a live controversy .
8: Executive orders and executive agreements are widely used in foreign
Affairs .(P40) <