
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 07:50:52
1.Their families stood behind them and the families of the victims across the courtroom.

我在做阅读的时候看到这句话,百思不解. 如果说and连接的是两个结构相同的句子,那为什么the families of the victims across the courtroom这句没有谓语动词呢?across只是副词或者介词啊?

2. three 18-year-old buddies who were driving around listening to music after a night of bowling were killed when their car breezed through the intersection and was broad sided.

这句里面的breezed through和broad sided是什么意思啊?

3.the judge sentence Cole to 30 years, suspending half.

这里面的suspending half是什么意思呢?缓刑一半????

2breezed through形容开车快 呼啸而过 broad sided应该是指翻车了
3suspend应该是推迟,也就是缓刑 half是half a year 省略,缓刑半年