
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/12 22:31:36

Modern enterprise management has been changed from the original concept of pursuing efficiency and reducing cost to the current concept of paying attention to the employee behavior and attitude.

In the research of employee attitude, inside working motivation and working input have been paid attention to by Behavior and Management Science, becoming the new research of Organizational Behavior. Inside working motivation and its performance have positive prediction while the working input does not only involve the employee psychology and behavior but also related to the organization performance. It is considered as the key factor to motivate the employees. Increase of working input can make the employees devote into work in full sail, which will make the work more significant. In this way, the organization efficiency and productivity can be improved.

The business enterprise of now manages the principle already from pursue the efficiency and decline the low cost thought,