
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/05 14:01:34
话题:Coping with Stress
How to cope with the stress students may experience while studying at school
Please talk about the kind of pressure respectively college students may experience as specified:Academic pressure;Financial pressure;Job-hunting pressure;Emotional pressure

A: Man I wish I could go to Europe.
B: Why?
C: Are you seriously acsking that? In other continents the schools are a lot easier, and there's no stress at all.
B: Oh. And why is that?
A+C: You seriously don't know?
A: Well, there people just have parties and drink alcohol, they don't really care about school work.
C: Yeah, because there are enough job opportunities for everyone. Even if they can't get jobs, they can get money from the government. But here, we have to work our asses off all day, and study.
B: But why don't we just cope with the best that we have?
C: How?
A: Well, I've heard that doing sports relieves stress.
B: Doing sports? I hate sports, but I know other ways of relaxation.
C: Like what? Going to saunas or something? We are only university students, we don't have enough money for that.
B: No, of course not. What I meant was, by our learning styles.
A+C: Learning s