
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 14:40:41
The(71) (compound, combination, alliance, mixture) between America and France led to the Liberty project. Because of his love of his mother and his great (72) (affect, affection, effect, infection) for his wife, Bartholdi combined the two to make a statue. The (73) (torch, arm, leg, foot) was his wife's and the face his mother's. The statue now stands in the Upper New York (74) (Bay, Sea, Shore, Ocean). Mattel (75) (restored, recover, reformed, refashioned) Barbie and even (76) (in, at, on, of) age sixty, Barbara Handler is said to have loved the doll. But the Gothic painting is a different story. The artist's (77) (competition, preparation, interpretation, representation) of the (78) (sore, common, soul, solemn) pride of America is not liked because of their lengthened necks. Still in all, we swell with pride

钙( 71 ) (化合物,联合,联盟,混合物)与美国和法国领导的自由项目。因为他爱他的母亲和他的伟大( 72 ) (影响感情,影响,感染)为他的妻子,巴托尔迪两者相结合,使一尊雕像。该( 73 ) (电筒,胳膊,腿,脚)是他的妻子和面对他母亲的。雕像现在在上纽约( 74 ) (湾,海,海岸,海洋) 。美泰( 75 ) (恢复,恢复,改革, refashioned )芭比娃娃,甚至( 76 ) (中,在上,中)年龄60巴巴拉处理据说喜欢娃娃。但是,哥特式绘画是一个不同的故事。艺术家的( 77 ) (竞争,编制,解释,代表)的( 78 ) (疼痛,共同的灵魂,庄严)自豪的是美国不喜欢,因为它们长的脖子。然而在所有,我们自豪地膨胀在本( 79 ) (肖像,比例,海报,部分) 。随着( 80 ) (介绍,结算,外观,到达) ,美国( 81 ) (边疆,前线,入侵者,住客)的破坏水牛( 82 ) (家禽,牲畜,树篱,人群)是记录在只有镍的记忆( 83 ) (马,住房,牛角,东道主)对某人的墙壁装饰。山姆威尔逊帮助( 84 ) (遥控器,言论,自由,解放) ,美国的殖民地,后来获得了就业作为一个肉类( 85 ) (访问者,督导员,探险,督察)的军队。他将检查肉类( 86 ) (接触,合同法,关心,连接)与卖方和山姆将他电子艺界美印章的批准关于肉类。这个数字目前每天山姆大叔( 87 ) (围绕,参与,发展,解决)由政治漫画成军( 88 ) (招募,接收,要,接受)海报著名的白色小( 89 ) (大胡子,面包,兽,鸟)他( 90 ) (链,锡,薄,下巴) 。这是自画像的画家。