
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/27 17:32:32

I agree with the idea that universities should provide students with social practice.There are several reasons to support my idea.
Firstly,only through social practice can students realise the idea of learning lifetime profoundly,and can they strengthen and reinforce their lessons.Nowadays,many young men ,especially those born in the 1980s,they rely on parents at home,and almost are poor in handcraft,when it come to a problem,they choose to escape but not to accept.So social practice can help they know the tiredness in work,it may contribute to their learning determination.
Secondly,social practice is somehow equally important with learning theroitic knowledges.Learning differs much with doing,theroy is the fundermention,only with corporation,can we do things better.They will cherish learning opportunities in university after social practice.
Thirdly,practice can be a motivation to excite their learing interest.A lot of college students don't know about what teach