
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 09:33:11
The 110th Congress convened yesterday with a new Democratic majority promising long-term solvency for Social Security.
It won't be easy.
According to the Social Security Trustees, our nation's Social Security Trust Funds are forecast to be completely exhausted by the year 2040 unless major changes to the system are implemented. But the crisis isn't waiting that long to arrive the system will have to start paying out more than it's taking in within a decade, and it's unclear where the money will come from.
Those in the Social Security policy world all point their finger to their favorite culprit some blame the absence of a Social Security lockbox, others the coming crush of baby-boomer retirees, while others choose the lack of will by some lawmakers to touch the "third rail" of American politics. Those factors do play a role, but for today, they're not the story.
