
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/29 00:08:09
请帮忙翻译下。 稍微有点长 不好意思啦~ 请大家翻译的口语化一点,因为这个是我要给外国人介绍的。。 不是书面的东西。 我希望我们的conversation可以流利地道点 ,,再一次感谢。。


说道旅游,我想说说我的香格里拉之行。我去香格里拉是很早的事情了,大概是6年前,但是我觉得那次旅行是我这辈子最记忆犹新的一次。 当时我去香格里拉的时候,它不像九寨过或者是桂林之列的,他还没有被开发。所以所有东西都很自然。香格里拉被称为中国最后一片没有被开发的净土。 我记得有一条上山的路,游客都必须骑马上去。因为那条路全部都是马粪。人根本上不去。 哈哈。 香格里拉的景色很美, 很绿的草坪,还有很清澈的湖水 。 而且所有景色都超自然,没有一点人工开发过的痕迹。 真的是很美。
你有机会真的应该去香格里拉玩玩,不过现在它也应该被开发了吧。。 呵呵

IF WE'RE TO TALK ABOUT TRAVELING, THEN I SHOULD TALK ABOUT MY TRIP TO 香格里拉(我不知道英文是什么 - - ). It was a long time ago when i went there, about 6 years ago, but I remember it like it just happened today. When i went to 香格里拉, it wasn't like 九寨沟 or 桂林, no development has been made yet. Everything was natural, and this was why it was called "the last piece of land that haven't been developed in China". I remember there was a road that led to the mountains, but travelers must go by horse. Why? Because there's horse droppings every where! You do not wanna go by foot. It was really beatiful there; green grass lands, and clear beautiful lake. Everything was amazing, naturally beautiful.

If you get a chance, you really should go there and see for yourself, but maybe it's already been developed..

Tourism said, I would like to talk about my trip to Shangri-La. I went to Shangri-La is a matter of very early, about 6 years ago, but I think that travel