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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 02:38:19
戒指: 《圣经》中说,男子向女子求婚的证物就是指环。九世纪时,教皇尼古拉一世颁布法令,规定男方赠送婚戒给女方是正式求婚不可缺少的程序。

婚纱: 西方在19世纪以前,少女们出嫁时所穿的新娘礼服没有统一颜色规格,到1820年前后,白色才逐渐成为婚礼上广为人用的礼服颜色。这是因为英国的维多利亚女王在婚礼上穿了一身洁白雅致的婚纱。从此,白色婚纱便成为一种正式的结婚礼服。

捧花: 有幸接到新娘花束的人将有好运气,也将是下一个喜结良缘的人。


(能翻译多少先发上来!急用 谢谢啦 )

Ring: The exhibit saying male person makes a proposal to the woman in "Bible" is a ring. Pope Nicholas I issues a decree when nine centuries, the marriage stipulating that bridegroom's side gives as a gift avoids being to make a proposal formally essential procedure for wife's side. Marriage yarn: Before the west is in 19 centuries, what be had on bride ceremonial dress unites colour specification , arrives at the front and back in 1820 when young girls get married , white becomes the ceremonial dress colour that broad conduct uses on the wedding just now gradually. This is yarn because of the British Victoria empress has had elegant spotlessly white marriage all over the body on on the wedding. Herefrom, white marriage yarn just becomes one kind of formal wedding garment. Hold a flower in both hands: The people who is lucky to receive the bride bouquet will finish having luck, people who will also be that next happy event forms happy match. The Chinese and Western