
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/27 08:31:38
1.键盘 2.显示器 3.主板 4.鼠标 5.软件(这里写photoshop吧)
6.操作系统 7.内存 8.病毒 9. 调制解调器 10.声卡


1.Keyboard: is a set of keys used to input information to a computer;
consists of letters, numbers and command keys.
2.Display: also called monitor, is a piece of electrical equipment used to display images generated by computers; comprising CRT, LCD, etc.
3.Motherboard: is the central printed circuit board; provides connections for other components; supports the CPU and buses.
4.Mouse: is a pointing device; usually consists of two or three buttons and a scroll wheel; is used to input data to a computer by pointing, clicking and dragging.
5.Photoshop: is an image editing software; enable a person to manipulate visual images on a computer; can be tied with other software to make animation, or DVD.
6.Operating System: commonly abbreviated as OS, is the infrastructure software component of a computer; is responsible for the management and operation of resources; the most common OS for personal computer is Microsoft Windows.
7.Memory: is the Primary St