翻译-about karencarpenter

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 19:43:32
Morning was never a time to phone the home of night-owl Richard Carpenter. He was asleep when the 8:55am call from his hysterical-sounding mother jolted him. "Karen.... I found her on the floor...I tried to get her up, called her name....Her eyes had rolled back.....We called the ambulance". As his mom's words tumbled out, Richard feared the worst.


早上从来没有一个时期的家庭电话夜间猫头鹰理查德卡本特。他睡着时,上午08时55分从他呼吁歇斯底里冠冕堂皇他的母亲发生。 “凯伦....我发现她在地板上...我试图让她,叫她的名字....她的眼睛已经回滚.....我们叫救护车。 ”正如他妈妈的话大跌了,理查德担心最坏的打算。

早晨从来没有时间打电话给家里的night-owl理查德木匠。他睡着时从他八55am打电话。他母亲摇晃hysterical-sounding我发现她”凯伦....地板上…我想让她,给她起名叫....Her .....We眼睛也叫救护车翻卷回来。”作为他的妈妈的话滚出去,理查德乘错车了。