
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/13 05:48:48
内容是关于A要介绍B一个part-time job as a salesperson at a supermarket.A tells B what he/she likes or dislikes about it and whether he/she will take it or not.对话大概长达2到3分钟!!谢谢


A:Hi,B.Longtime no see! What do you do recently?
B: Oh, I'm busy with my job.
A: really?but you are student,study should be the frist work to do.you don't have enough time to do other things.
B; No,just part-time job.I tutored two pupils English every weekend.
A: I see. nowadays more and more complaints about the lack of practical skills are constantly heard from the society towards fresh graduates. Without work experience seems to be the case of isolation from the reality. The best way to fill up the blank is to have a
part-time job during school life.
B; That's right!and this's the reason that I choose it.
A: Would you mind telling me how to find an appropriate part-time job? I want to try, too!
B: Well, it depends on your interests and time!
A: As far as I am concerned, I would like to look for jobs which can
benefit me in such aspects as communication skills, pra