
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 12:33:27
[00:00.92]Another summer day
[00:02.79]Has come and gone away
[00:05.19]In Paris or Rome...
[00:07.61]But I wanna go home
[00:16.45]May be surrounded by
[00:18.21]A million people I
[00:20.72]Still feel all alone
[00:23.13]I just wanna go home
[00:27.39]I miss you, you know
[00:30.74]And I've been keeping all the letters
[00:35.49]That I wrote to you,
[00:38.53]Each one a line or two
[00:42.69]I'm fine baby, how are you?
[00:46.83]I would send them but I know that
[00:50.00]It's just not enough
[00:54.72]My words were cold and flat
[00:58.28]And you deserve more than that
[01:05.75]Another aeroplane, another sunny place,
[01:09.50]I'm lucky I know
[01:13.11]But I wanna go home
[01:15.82]I've got to go home
[01:19.70]Let me go home
[01:27.06]I'm just too far from where you are
[01:30.57]I got to come home

[ 00:00.92 ]另一个夏季的一天

[ 00:02.79 ]已经到来和消失

[ 00:05.19 ]在巴黎或罗马...

[ 00:07.61 ]但是我想回家

[ 00:11.85 ] ...哼哼

[ 00:16.45 ] 5月被包围

[ 00:18.21 ]百万人我

[ 00:20.72 ]仍然觉得独自

[ 00:23.13 ]我只是想回家

[ 00:27.39 ]我想念你,你知道

[ 00:30.74 ]和我一直保持所有的信件

[ 00:35.49 ]那我写信给你,

[ 00:38.53 ]每个人一条线或两个

[ 00:42.69 ]我很好孩子,你好吗?

[ 00:46.83 ]我想给他们,但我知道,

[ 00:50.00 ]这是不够的

[ 00:54.72 ]我的话是冷战和平板

[ 00:58.28 ]你应该多于

[ 01:05.75 ]另一种飞机,另一个阳光普照的地方,

[ 01:09.50 ]我很幸运我知道

[ 01:13.11 ]但是我想回家

[ 01:15.82 ]我要回家

[ 01:19.70 ]让我回家

[ 01:27.06 ]我只是太远你在哪里

[ 01:30.57 ]我回家

[ 01:35.37 ]让我回家

[ 01:43.65 ]我已经当过运行

[ 01:45.51 ]宝贝我做

[ 01:47.23 ]我想回家

[ 01:51.54 ]我觉得就像我的生活

[ 01:55.27 ]别人的生活
