【50分悬赏】08.12 英语A级答案 急求

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 12:33:57
【50分悬赏】08.12 英语A级答案 急求


投诉信 (对象:第一百货公司,商店sq200不能拍照发短信等原因,要求退货或更换,希望及早回复,日期2008年12月21日)

Dear manager:
I bought a cell phone in your first

department store a few days ago. When I

bought it, the salesgirl told me I can

return the phone back in one month if there

are any problems of the phone. However,

yesterday I found that my new cell phone had

a lot of problems and it did not work well.

The built-in camera is not available and I

even can not send massages. I did not do any

damages to the phone. So today I write a

letter to you, I want to return the phone or

change another one for me. I hope you can

settle this problem for me soon and please

give me your answer as soon as possible.

Thank you.


I bought a cell phone in your first

department store a few days ago. When I

bought it, the salesg