
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 08:05:02
摘要:生物技术的开发迅猛异常、日新月异。生物技术的核心是基因工程, 基因工程技术最成功的是用于生物治疗的新型药物的研制。基因工程药物产业是生命科学技术与产业的核心。它的发展不仅带来了医药工业的巨大变革,而且将成为 21 世纪的支柱产业之一。与世界发达国家共同参与产品研发和市场竞争是我国基因工程药物产业发展的必然趋势。目前,在不同的国家和地区,已有大量基因工程药物投入市场, 产生了巨大的社会效益和经济效益。生物技术用于疾病的预防和疑难病症的治疗已经成为现实。以下就其现状和我国基因工程药物的研究与发展,作简单分析。


The development of biotechnology is abnormal rapid and changes with each passing day. The core of biotechnology is genetic engineering, and the most successful example of biotechnology development is the development of new drugs that are used for biotherapy. The genetic engineering drug industry is the core of the technology and industry of life science. Its development not only leads to the revolution of pharmaceutical industry, but also will become one of the pillar industries of the 21st Century. The joint product development and compettition with worldwide developed countries are the inevitable trend for the development of China's genetic engineering drug industry. Now there have been large amount of genetic engineering drugs put into market, and they have produced gagantic social and economic profits. Application of biotechnology in disease prevention and the therapy of intractable diseases has become the reality