
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 20:46:05
要求:单词和句式正确完整并且简单好背 就可以 不用写特别长
① My campus
② Myfavorite holiday


How to impove Reading skills?
1 Reading Groups of Words at Each Glance
It turns out that our eyes can only take in information when they are stopped. What feels like continuous motion is actually move-stop-read-move-stop-read, etc. You can easily verify this by sitting face to face with a partner, holding up a book and watching their eyes as they read. The key is to minimize the number of stops by maximizing the number of words you see at each stop as shown in Figure 6.1.
2 Reading More Selectively
Imagine arriving at a large lake and being told that somewhere in the water there is a buried treasure. To find that treasure, you could either put on your trunks and go for a swim, or jump in a high speed boat with radar programmed to detect the presence of anything resembling the treasure. This would allow you to do a fairly quick pass over the entire lake, noting areas that look promising, and then go back to each promising location, drop anchor, and go