
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 14:22:35
Aducation experience

1994/06——2000/06 Pingshan Street Primary School of Tianjin City
2000/08——2003/08 Tonglou Middle School of Tianjin City
2003/09——2008/09 Sino-German vacational Trainning Centre of Tianjin City

Practice experience

2006——2007 The net school of 101 of Tianjin.
2007——2008 Sunspr Advertising Co.,Ltd of Tianjin.

The level of foreign language
English CET-4

The degree of computer
Be familiar with network,and have good computer knowledge,can skilled Office softwares in common use.

Have a bright and cheerful disposition, positive upwards, diligent and eager to learn knowledge, the learning ability is relatively strong; Can take the interests of the whole into account, possess the spirit of cooperation of the group.

这是其中一部分也是我最没根的,麻烦您帮我看看,有没有语法方面白痴的错误,或是能用更优的单词代替更好。因为要给外企看 所以我很重视,谢谢您的帮忙。
对了以下是我的相对的中文简历 给您参考:

教 育 情

1.can skilled Office softwares in common use
语法有问题的,建议:skillful in Office softwares
2.Have a bright and cheerful disposition, positive upwards, diligent and eager to learn knowledge, the learning ability is relatively strong; Can take the interests of the whole into account, possess the spirit of cooperation of the group.
建议:Have a bright and cheerful disposition, a positive upwards attitude. Also diligent and eager to learn knowledges; the learning ability is relatively strong; always put the collective interests at the first and possess the spirit of group cooperation.

Be familiar with network,and have good computer knowledge

Be familiar with the network and have a good knowledge of computer.
后面的句子can skilled Office softwares in common use.有点赘余~
