
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 11:12:25
Your favorite categories are what you see when using the Surf Junky browser.

Please keep the categories relevant to your interests.

(Please choose at least 3 categories.
My favorite categories)

Arts & Humanities News & Reference
Shopping & Automotive Regional & Travel
Entertainment & Games Gambling
Women & Family Computers & Internet
Music & Film Education & Careers
Business & Economy Recreation & Sports
Health & Fitness Adult Entertainment

update my favorite categories

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Simply choose how you would like to get paid and your account information.

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Please choose how you would like to receive payment below. The account box is where you would put your account ID for e-Gold or your email address for PayPal a

Your favorite categories are what you see when using the Surf Junky browser.
你在使用Surf Junky 浏览器时看到的就是你的最爱。
Please keep the categories relevant to your interests.

(Please choose at least 3 categories.
My favorite categories)

Arts & Humanities News & Reference 艺术 人文科学 新闻 考证
Shopping & Automotive Regional & Travel 购物 自动化 区域 旅游
Entertainment & Games Gambling 娱乐 赌博 游戏
Women & Family Computers & Internet 女人 家庭 电脑 网络
Music & Film Education & Careers 音乐 电影 教育 职业
Business & Economy Recreation & Sports 商业 经济 消遣 体育
Health & Fitness Adult Entertainment 健康 健身 成人娱乐
update my favorite categories 更新我的最爱类别

Your payment information may be updated below.
Simply choose how you would like to get paid and your account information.
My payment information

Please choose how you would like to receive payment