
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 09:46:48


1 为什么你年起来不高兴?
2 因为最近我变得很胖!
3 你是不是吃太多了?
4 是的,吃了太多的垃圾食品。
5 怎么不克制一下?
6 现在已经注意了,可是还是没有瘦下来,怎么办?
7 你平常运动吗?
8 没有,我不怎么喜欢做运动。
9 不做运动怎么能瘦下来呢?即使不胖也要做运动呢!这样才能保持身体健康。
10 运动太累了,我讨厌做运动
11 那么你可以做一些简单的。
12 那么你有什么好的建议?
13 瑜珈,普拉提都是比较舒缓的运动,你可以试一下
14 可是我不会。
15 不要紧,我可以帮你。
16 那你平时也做这些运动吗?
17 是的,我非常喜欢瑜珈。
18 瑜珈有什么好处?
19 它可以令你身体健康,但是又不会感到疲劳。
20 真的?那我真的要去试一试才行。
21 但你必须坚持锻炼,才会有好的效果。
22 好的,但要是我没有时间怎么办?
23 不要紧,睡前做一会儿也可以的。

1 Why do you look unhappy?
2 Because I've become too fat recently!
3 Have you eaten too much?
4 Yes, I ate too much junk food.
5 Why can't you control yourself?
6 I'm already doing that. But I still haven't slimed down. What should I do?
7 Do you do sports often?
8 No, I don't like sports.
9 How can you lose weight without exercising? Even if you're not fat, you need to exercise to keep fit.
10 It's too tiring. I hate it.
11 In this case, you can do some light sports.
12 Any suggestions?
13 Yoga or pilates. They're not so intensive, so you can try them some day.
14 But I don't know either of them.
15 It's ok, I can teach you.
16 Do you do these sports in your spare time?
17 Yes. I like yoga a lot.
18 What benefits does yoga have?
19 It can make you healthier without letting you feel tired.
20 Really? Then I must try it.
21 You need to make exerc