
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 07:22:33
1. Was it 1999__________your cousin joined the army?
Was it in 1999_______your cousin joined the army?
A.that B.which C.when D.on which
选哪个? 为什么?

2. It ______hard, we had no choice but to stay at home.
It_______hard, and we had no choice but to stay at home.
A.is raining B.was raining C.has rained D.raining
选哪个? 为什么?

3. Why not ______a volleyball match this afternoon?
How about both of us_____a volleyball math this afernoon?
A.look at B.noticing C.watch D.watching
选哪个? 为什么?

4. “What’s your boyfirend like?” “He__________.”
A.likes a cup of tea B.isn’t very handsome C.is liking football D.isn’t very well
选哪个? 为什么?

5. “Washington D.C. lies in the east of America, _______Washinton State lies in the north West.
A.then B.so C.for D.while
选哪个? 为什么?

请帮忙解答, 谢谢!

1. Was it 1999 when your cousin joined the army? 这属于时间状语从句,用when引导。
Was it in 1999 that your cousin joined the army? 这属于强调句,采用强调的固定格式 it is 被强调的部分 that ————
2. It raining hard, we had no choice but to stay at home. 每一个只有一个谓语A\B\C选项中都有谓语所以都不正确。
It was raining hard, and we had no choice but to stay at home. 这属于用and 连接的并行结构 由had得知前面的也应该用过去时,所以应该选择B
3.Why not ___watch___a volleyball match this afternoon? why not 后面跟动词原形,观看watch要用watch
How about both of us_watching____a volleyball math this afernoon? what about 后面要跟动名词
4、“What’s your boyfirend like?” “He__________.”
A.likes a cup of tea B.isn’t very handsome C.is liking football D.isn’t very well

Washington D.C. lies in the east of America, _______Washinton State lies in the north West.
A.then B.so C.for D.while
应该选择while 表示转折