
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 19:24:26

you have provided no independent evidence of your accommodation in the UK;I cannot therefore assess whether suitable accommodation, that will not be rendered as overcrowded by your inclusion,will be available to your in the UK.


you have provided no independent evidence of your accommodation in the UK;


I cannot therefore assess whether suitable accommodation, that will not be rendered as overcrowded by your inclusion,will be available to your in the UK.

所以我无法判断你在英国是否有合适的住所, 你将居住的地方不能在加入你入住后而变得超标准的拥挤.

你没有提供你在英国期间的住宿独立证明; 因此我不能对你是否有合适的住宿条件做出评定, 所以不会被认为是你称述的那样过度拥挤,

最后一句不通吧 不明白