
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 15:50:17
A single status may have multiple roles attached to it,constituting a role set.Consider the status of a patient in a hospital.The status involves the sick role;another role as the peer of other patients;still another role as the "appreciative"receicer of the gifts and attention of friends and family members; one role as a consumer of newspaper,magazines,and other small items purchased from a hospital attendant ; and a role as acquaintance of a number of friendly hospital peraonnel.Or consider your status as a faamliy member.Your status a variety of roles,for example,parent and child ,uncle,spouse,and cousin.Clearly,a role does not exist in a social vacuum;it is a bundle of activities that are connected with the activitives of other people.For this reason,there can be no professors without students,no husbands without wives,no white without nonwhite,and no

一个单一的状态可以有多个角色,构成了属于它的地位作用.考虑到医院病人的角色地位;另涉及生病的作用;其他的同行的还有一个作用的“感激”receicer礼物和注意力的朋友和家庭成员之一,作为消费者的作用;对报纸,杂志,和其它小物件从医院服务员,被视为是一个熟人的大量友好医院peraonnel.还是考虑你的身份地位faamliy 成员.你的各式各样的角色,例如,父母和孩子、叔叔、配偶、表兄妹.显然地,一个角色并不存在于真空;这是一个社会的活动,一束与其他有余的枉法裁判这个原因,也就不可能有任何的丈夫没有学生,教授的妻子,没有白而而非白色,没有律师没有客户。