
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 06:49:44

回答I do 和 I like 都行
2.play with
3.Is this photo mine ?
another ,other,the other 在这里只能做形容词,后面要加宾语one 才可以,只有 others 可以,表示其它的东西。
ice-cream后面没有加s, 所以这里是不可数名词,不可数名词和可数名词单数用is
6. secondly 其次
7.How long will we stay on Lucky Island ?
多久用how long
8.We won't visit the Dream Garden at Chinese New Year
9.The rice from China is 30yuans but (while) the rice from America is 50yuan.
两种米价不同,but 和 while 都表示转折“而...”

1 A:Who like them?B:_c______
A I does B I do like C I do D I likes

2 Don't play___A_matches,children
A with B by C at D on

3 This photo is mine(一般疑问) :Is this photo mine?

4 You use this one first.I'll bring you___A__tomorrow
A another B other C the other D others

5 Here____B_some ice-cream for you
A are B is C does D do

6 I haven't a ticke