两道英语题~大哥哥 大姐姐们帮下帮哦!谢啦~好的话会加分的啦!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 10:08:31
she asked,‘why is the boy unhappy?"(改为间接引语)
she asked_____the boy_____unhappy

he let me have a look at the new flat(改为被动语态)
l_____let_____have a look at the new flat

why was
was to

1.why was 间接引语中如果主句过去时 从句中时态向过去退一个
2.was to 被动语态 be done let to do让某人做某事

1, She asked why the boy was unhappy.

2, I was let to have a look at the new flat.

第一题的修改诀窍是在主语“she”和主语所做的动作“ask”后 加 陈述句。"the boy was unhappy",这个就是陈述句(因为asked,是过去时,所以用was unhappy,也是过去时态)。以后看到这样的题,把后面的部分改成陈述句,再加前面的主语和动词,就没有问题了。