Give a brief definition of market segmentation

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 04:11:20
1.Give a brief definition of market segmentation
2.What are the four main approaches used to segment a market? Describe each approach using examples and any additional material related to the mobile phone market that you consider relevant.


1.The process of dividing a market into distinct groups of buyers who have different needs, characteristics, or behaviors, and who might require separate products or marketing programs is called market segmentation-----Philip Kotler
2. Geographic Segmentation
Demographic Segmentation
Psychographic Segmentation
Behavioral Segmentation

A market segment consists of a large identifiable group within a market with similar wants、purchasing power、 geographical location、 buying attitudes or buying is an approach midway between mass marketing and individual marketing.

四个主要方法是 geographic segmentation demographic segmentation
psychographic segmentation
behavioral segmentation
最后两问有点麻烦哈哈 你自己翻译一下 我给你点思路就是 地理上的例子很好举 国家就是地理分 DEMOGRAPHIC就是可以从收入年龄等方面考虑 生活方式也好举例子啊 最后一个是购买习惯 比如说习惯牛奶不喝果汁等 手机的销售可以从demographic segmentation behavioral segmentation 两个方面随便谈一下