
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 22:40:41
The innovate ”Active Energy”and ”Regenerate”scientific improves skin function from inside to outside, adjusts oil secrete, makes skin balanced and tight, solves the skin problem such as oily, acne etc. It rebuilds skin’s healthy function, increases skin protection system, it can protect, anti-inflammation, balance oil secrete and activate skin cell, also improve skin’s regeneration, make skin healthy, smooth, whitening and full of energy.
Take the lotion, apply the entire face using massaging motion after cleansing and nursing, using with Energy Nursing Regenerate Essence can active the energy of skin cell totally and increase the skin energy overall.

创新“Active Energy”和“Regenerate”活能新生科技,迅速补充肌肤所需水分和养分,全面激活肌肤细胞能量,维护和重建肌肤自身的保湿屏障,增加肌肤天然防御能力,均匀肤色,有效提升肌肤紧致度,抗氧化功能有效抚平细纹与皱纹并预防岁月痕迹,重建更健康、年轻的肌肤,给予肌肤舒缓、保护、保湿、激活细胞、促进肌肤新生作用,并能有效抵御UVA/UVB紫外线,肌肤健康、水润、白皙、充满能量。