
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 07:09:08
概要:涡轮增压发动机是依靠涡轮增压器来加大发动机进气量的一种发动机,涡轮增压器(Tubro)实际上就是一个空气压缩机。它是利用发动机排出的废气作为动力来推动涡轮室内的涡轮(位于排气道内),涡轮又带动同轴的叶轮位于进气道内,叶轮就压缩由空气滤清器管道送来的新鲜空气,再送入气缸。当发动机转速加快,废气排出速度与涡轮转速也同步加快,空气压缩程度就得以加大,发动机的进气量就相应地得到增加,就可以增加发动机的输出功率了。 涡轮增压发动机的最大优点是它可在不增加发动机排量的基础上,大幅度提高发动机的功率和扭矩。一台发动机装上涡轮增压器后,其输出的最大功率与未装增压器相比,可增加大约40%甚至更多。


SUMMARY: The turbocharged engine is relying on the turbocharger to increase engine into a gas engine, turbocharger (Tubro) is in fact an air compressor. It is the engine emissions from the use of force to push for a turbine room of the turbo (in the airway row), also driven coaxial turbine impeller at the inlet, the impeller on compressed air filter from the pipeline delivered fresh Air and then into the cylinder. When the engine speed up, speed and exhaust gas turbine speed also speed up the simultaneous air on the degree of compression to increase the engine into the air to be increased accordingly, we can increase the output power of the engine. Turbocharged engine of the biggest advantages is that it can not increase in engine displacement on the basis of the substantial increase in engine power and torque. Engine fitted with a turbocharger, the maximum power output with the supercharger is not installed, to increase by about 40% or more.

Keywords: automotive, turbin