写一张 英语演讲海报

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 10:32:36
英语作文:拟一张英语演讲比赛的海报,主办单位为英语系学生会 的范文 谁能帮忙写下 急用英语

In order to varify our college life and help us learn English in a different way, an exciting English Speech Contest will be hold at (地点),(点钟)o'clock on(日期). Any students from our college are welcomed to take part in the great party!Competitors please prepare a topic about (演讲主题)within (演讲时长) minites and sign up to (举办者联系人名字) by Email (电邮地址)or text message (手机号) before (报名截止日期) 。Just take out your courage and enjoy it! We wish you good luck!
Student Union of English Department


In order to improve oral English ability of the students and enrich students ' after-school activities, English speaking students (Students ' Union) decided to hold an English speech contest (English Speaking Contest).Posters include:
1. date: June 20, 2012, this week Wednesday
2. place: student activity center (students ' activity center)
3. competing considerations: the contes