英国文学和美国文学的问题 达人帮助下 。。。

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 21:22:51
comment on Geoffery chaucer's "Canterbury Tales" description of the Num and Bath wife

Is Spenser's "Faerie Queen" a purely poem of flattery?Why?

Shoud we be conformity? After we read Emerson's slef-reliance.
不是翻译额 是帮忙回答下啊 。。。 有提分,,,拜托!!

哎呀 回答了才发现 居然给80分的。。。
原来是要做这三题啊 我浪费时间翻译了哈 555

comment on Geoffery chaucer's "Canterbury Tales" description of the Nun and Bath wife

Is Spenser's "Faerie Queen" a purely poem of flattery? Why?

Shoud we be conformity? After we read Emerson's self-reliance.
【PS 爱默生ms是摈弃conformity。。。】