
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 10:55:24
我的电脑 有的时候会突然蓝屏 有于是菜鸟也看不懂啥意思,有高手帮我看下 谢谢了!! 蓝屏显示内容如下:
a problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.
If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen .restart your computer.If this screen appears again,follow these steps:
check to be sure you have adequate disk space.If a driver is identified in the stop message disable the driver or check with the manufacturer for driver updates.try changing videoadpters.
check with your hardware vendor for any BIOS updates.disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing.IF you need to use safe mode to remove or disable components.restart your computer.press F8 to select advanced startup Options.and then select safe mode.
Techn1ca1 informat1on:
###STOP:0x0000008e <0xc0000005.0xb675045D.0xb5C017A4.0x00000000>
### NTfs.sys- Address B67504D base at B6750000.datestamp 48025be5
对了 我的系统重装不久 还是拿到店里叫别人装的 那师傅把我的BIOS 里的有几个选项 改了下 我也看不懂是什么 有关系吗?



◆错误分析:内核级应用程序产生了错误, 但Windows错误处理器没有捕获. 通常是硬件兼容性错误.



你可以把代码用百度搜下大概是什么问题引起的 8E的代码一般是系统程序和硬件不兼容引一的多 或中病毒 你可以重装下系统就行了
