汉译英 不要软件翻译的 要正确的

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 21:30:53
英语和汉语的社会群体在各自漫长的历史进程中,由于各自的风俗习惯、社会历史、文化背景、宗教信仰和地理环境等因素的影响,形成了具有各自民族特色的词汇体系。其中相当一部分是反映民族文化意义的词汇。这些词汇的文化意义呈现出差异性,因此,各民族表达相同概念的说法是各不相同的, 在不同语言的互译中,要注意转换表达方法以符合译文习惯。比如汉语成语“一箭双雕” 或“一举两得”,用英语说是“一石打死二鸟”:”To kill two birds with one stone”。英语句子“He has taken the bread out of my mouth”,不能译成“他从我嘴里拿走了面包”,而应为“他砸了我的饭碗”、“ 他抢走了我的工作”或“他断了我谋生的路”。中国人在向外国人介绍自己爱人(妻子) 时,常用“lover”一词,外国人听了十分惊奇,因为“lover”在英语里表示“情妇”或“情夫”即“情人”的意思。而汉语中的“爱人”,相当于英语的“husband”或“wife”。中国人把猫头鹰当作不吉祥的象征,但英语中却说“as wise as an owl”,把猫头鹰当作智慧的象征。中国人把“龙(dragon)”视为吉祥的神物,有不可思议的伟大力量,因而成为至尊无上的帝王象征,甚至把它看作是光明的未来,“望子成龙”(long to see one′s son become a dragon) 。可是英美人却把“dragon”视为喷烟吐火的凶残怪物(a fierce fire breathing monster ) 。美国人打招呼时,经常说“Hello”, “Hi”,英国人见面时喜欢谈天气,如“Lovely weather , isn’t it ?”之类的话,而中国人碰面时却经常说“你吃饭没有?” (Have you had your meal ?) 外国人听了很不理解:“你们为什么老问我吃饭没有? 我有钱!”中国人喜欢问:“Where are you going ?Where have you been ?”外国人听了很不高兴,心里说“It′s none o

English and Chinese social groups in their long history, because their custom, the social history, cultural background, religious belief and geographical environment factors, has formed a respective national characteristics. Vocabulary, One is a reflection of the national culture of the significance of vocabulary. These words on the cultural meaning, therefore, the opposite is the same concept of expression of different in different language translation, we should pay attention to comply with the method of converting expression. As Chinese idioms "kill two birds with one stone" or "kill", in English, "a stone killed two birds" : "your family". English sentences with the bread and "taken out for", cannot repeat "He took bread from my mouth, and He hit me should be" the bowl ", "He robbed me of my work" or "He broke my way of living. Introduce yourself in Chinese to foreigners love (wife), common "lov