
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 05:25:51

It's never too late to learn. This English proverb may be said by millions of people everyday, but few understands the reasons and benefits behind it.

Why do human beings have to learn until death? It's simply because we are curious animals. We just want to know what is happening and has happened around us. According to psychologists, to learn is not only one of basic instincts but is a reflection of how well a person can trully reflect the ultimate value of being as a human being.

Besides, learning throughout our life time can do us a lot of good. The foremost benefit is learning keeps us young in mind and fit in body. Evidence shows that people with a long life often like to pursue new things.

Many people feel they are too old to learn. In fact, on the contrary, learning can make people not look old but look younger.
