
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/26 03:29:29
一个是 Kouparitasa M A,and Baxter M What Causes Fluctuations in the Terms of Trade?[J].NBER Working Paper, 2000:13111

另一个是 [11] Khim-sen liew,Kian-ping Lim and Huzaimi (2003),Exange Rate and Trade Balance Relationship:the Experience of ASEAN Countries [J] ,International Trade,No 0307003



The individual income tax is uniquely suited for raising revenue in a democratic country where the distribution of income, and therefore of ability to pay,is unequal. Theoreticians may disagree about the meaningfulness of the term “ability to pay,” but the close association between a man’s income and taxpaying ability is commonly accepted. There is also general acceptance of the idea of progression in income taxation.

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