
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 12:21:16
在优酷看到一个韩国人侮辱姚明的视频,里面有个老外唱的一首歌,麻烦听力好的给翻译一下. 如果翻译准确,将追加分数. 谢谢!

视频地址: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_cj00XMzU3MzcyMjA=.html


In the basketball court, in Houston, home of the Houston Rockets.在侯斯顿火箭队的篮球场上
A man arrives from across the sea with big money in the pocket.....一个男子从海那边到来,口袋满载了钱
People came from miles and miles around to see the seven and half foot fame.....人们从老远跑来,看这七尺半的名人
He spoken no English 他不会说英语
so they just put him under the basket 所以只能叫他站在篮底
Anything you want from the seven foot giant
All you have to do is to ask it 你只需要开口问,对这七尺巨人的任何要求
When it come to get rebound, 当他抢益篮板时
You know he is the best 你知道他是最好的
I am.....YM,Ym 我是.....姚明
You have to watch his ball 你要小心看着他的球
'cause it above the rest 因为它比谁都高(这儿有点一语双关的黄色双关语.)
It was clear....genetic engineer....他明顕是曾用基因改造过的
the road to fame is a lonely one at least that how he feels 他很清楚地知道,成名路上是很寂寞的
until he met his match and lonely friend in a man call Sheq O'neal 直到他找到他唯一的,孤独的朋友奥尼尔