
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/27 08:12:19
哪位高手帮忙写一封email 邀请一对夫妇来故宫玩




Dear XXX,

It's been a year since last time we met each other. I hope everything is going on very well on your side.

Spring is coming soon. It's best season to travel around. My wife and I are planning a visit to the Forbbiden City in Beijing. Do you know anything about Forbbiden City? It lies to the north of Tiananmen Square. It was the imperial palace during the Ming and Qing dynasties. It is the world's largest palace complex and covers 74 hectares, with splendid painted decoration on these royal architectural wonders, the grand and deluxe halls and surprisingly magnificent treasures. Does it sound interesting?

My wife and I sincerely invite your wife and you to come and travel with us. Would you like to make a plan? Please let me know your decision as soon as possible. Thank you.

Yours truthfully

Hi there,
it has been a long time since the last time we saw