
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 09:31:31
Lawrence Lorber, a lawyer representing companies in discrimination lawsuits,notes that businesses in general do not take issue with using tests if they are valid. The tests help them to meet affirmative action goals . sometimes, however, businesses feel compelled to change the scores in order to meet those goal: the don’t like it , says Lorber, but the’lldo it to avoid a lawsuit.
The federal government has a test called the General Aptitude Test Battery,or GATB . whites tend to answer more of the questions correctly. To counter this, the test scores of African Americans and Hispanic-Americans are adjusted, to give themhigher ratings than they would otherwise achieve. Critics call this reverse discrimination; supporters say it’s affirmative action. The National Academy of sciences checked the GATB for fairness. They concluded that , in fact, if the scores were not adjusted, a job-service company would be less likely to recommend a minority candidate for a job than a white candidate

哇塞 5分翻译这么多

劳伦斯Lorber ,律师代表公司的歧视诉讼,指出,企业一般不采取利用问题,如果他们的测试是有效的。测试帮助它们满足扶持行动的目标。有时,但是,企业不得不改变分数,以满足这些目标:不喜欢,说Lorber ,但他们会做到这一点,以避免诉讼。
联邦政府已要求测试一般能力倾向测验,或GATB 。白人往往回答更多的问题,正确的。为了对付这一点,考试分数的非裔美国人和拉美裔美国人的调整,使超过themhigher评级否则他们会实现。评论家称此反向歧视;支持者说,这是肯定行动。国家科学院的检查GATB公平。他们得出结论认为,事实上,如果成绩不进行调整,就业服务公司将不太可能建议少数候选人的工作比白人候选人。

楼上的大哥 咱下次自己翻译好不 GOOGLE 翻译好用也要自己学会才行OK?
